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Starfish Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Starfish allows you to easily schedule appointments with your academic advisor and others on campus, place where you receive notification of concern from your instructor, as well as indicate you need assistance with most departments on campus.
  • StormTrac is for “official” business such as paying your ebill, viewing transcripts etc.
  • Moodle is a platform for instructors to share class assignments and grades etc.
  • Student Planning is a platform used primarily by your academic advisor to create your academic plan towards graduation. You can also schedule your classes here and see financial aid

The link to long into your Starfish account can be found in several places. You can log into your Moodle account and it will be on the right side panel. You can also go to the home page of the website under “Online Tools”.

Access your profile information and intake form by clicking on your name in the upper right corner of Starfish.

  • Profile Tab: Update your email, phone number, and email preferences.  Click “submit” to save your changes.
  • Intake Tab: This tab contains required profile questions that instructors, advisers, and Davidson-Davie service departments will use to better assist you when you need help.  If any of this information changes throughout the semester, be sure to update your answers.

To receive text messages alerts in addition to emails, add your phone  umber and the respective @ for your service provider (found by clicking on the phone icon on the right) under “Alternate Email” on your profile page.

  • Dashboard: View appointment reminders, flags that need to be resolved, and kudos you have earned (please note that your dashboard will appear empty until items are added by your adviser or instructor)
  • Messages: Messages about your appointments, flags, and kudos
  • My Success Network: Contact information for your individuals in your “Success Network”, the Student Service Center, your adviser, and your instructors
  • Raise Your Hand: Ask for help with a course, finances, or anything else.  This creates a flag in Starfish that will notify the people on campus who can assist you
  • Courses: View what courses you’re currently enrolled in, as well as past semesters you’ve attended.
  • History: View all Starfish activity related to you

This area list contact information for all student service departments on campus.

  • Go to the “My Success Network” in the Home tab. If you are unable to view your entire success network, zoom out by pressing “Ctrl -“
  • If the person you are trying to schedule an appointment with has set up their office hours in Starfish, “Schedule Appointment” will be available as a clickable link underneath their email address.
  • After clicking on “Schedule Appointment,” you can view your instructor or adviser’s available hours.  If there are open hours on a particular day, the date on the left side calendar will be bold.  Scroll using the arrows in the upper right corner of the hourly calendar to view additional days or weeks.
  • When the instructor or adviser has open hours, the available slot will have the words “Sign Up” next to a green and white plus sign symbol.  Click on an open time, and answer the required questions, such as the reason for appointment and the requested duration.
  • Click “submit” after filling out the appointment information, and wait for a confirmation email.

To cancel an appointment, find the appointment on your Starfish Dashboard and click the “x” in the upper right corner, enter a reason for the cancellation, and click submit. You CANNOT cancel an appointment from your Google Calendar.

Your instructor/advisor has chosen not to use the calendar feature of Starfish so you will need to call or email them to set up an appointment. You will have to contact them directly.

Contact the office or individual directly. The Schedule Appointment link will only be visible for individuals who have set up online appointment scheduling.

Appointments are only available to students who are in a specific relationship with individuals. If you can’t select a reason, it’s because you are not in the right relationship with the individual for that appointment. In most cases, this will be because the appointment is only available to students who are assigned to that particular academic adviser. In these cases, the appointment should not even be visible to you, and we have reported the bug to Starfish.

Your advisor or instructors might not be assigned yet. Check back later or contact your college/campus advising office for additional assistance.

Only currently enrolled students with an active Davidson-Davie Access Account can log in to Starfish. If you are a current student, contact the starfish@davidsondavie.edu for someone to check into your access account.

  • Starfish is role and relationship based. Only individuals in particular roles (e.g. academic advisors, instructors) who are in a relationship with you (e.g. your assigned advisor, your instructors) can see information in Starfish, and then they only see information necessary for their role.
  • Instructors use Starfish to alert you to areas of excellence (through Kudos) and to areas where changes are needed (through Flags). These alerts are sent to your email. You are expected to read these messages and take appropriate action. Academic advisors can also see these alerts so they can help you develop strategies for building on strengths and for meeting challenges.
  • Academic advisors use Starfish to document the topics discussed in advising meetings. This documentation is an ethical standard for advising because it helps advisers better help you make your way through. Notes kept in Starfish need to meet professional and legal standards, and fall under your FERPA rights.

Starfish ‘How To’ Videos

How to Set-Up Your Profile – https://www.screencast.com/t/tW90IiPNC9

What is the Success Network? –  https://www.screencast.com/t/HxvWMYX8sSA & https://www.screencast.com/t/NvOchdu4jv

Dashboards & Messages – https://www.screencast.com/t/reFmnsVR

Request Help & History – https://www.screencast.com/t/C4gUIkUB7Bv

View my courses in Starfish – https://www.screencast.com/t/C4gUIkUB7Bv