Saving Deleted Items with Moodle’s Recycle Bin

Saving Deleted Items with Moodle’s Recycle Bin

Have you ever deleted an item from your course and then realized you needed it? Did you know that Moodle actually has a recycle bin to save you when these things happen?Moodle Recycle Bin

If you delete something and later realize you need it, Moodle’s recycle bin allows instructors 14 days to retrieve deleted course elements. This includes course pages, assignments, forums, labels, and other course elements. 

Simply navigate to the recycle bin in your Course Administration panel, find the deleted item, and select the option for ‘Restore’. The recycle bin will also retrieve student grades and submissions connected to each assignment, forum, quiz, etc.

If you’d like assistance with this or anything else related to instructional design don’t hesitate to contact us at learning_design@davidsondavie.edu!