Publix Donates $3,000 to DCCC Food Pantry

December 13, 2017 – Publix Super Market Charities, a foundation established by grocery store founder George Jenkins, made a monetary donation that will help provide meals to students at Davidson County Community College. A little over one year ago DCCC responded to a student survey where 61 percent reported experiencing food insecurity at some point in their lives. More than half of those surveyed agreed that an on-campus food pantry was needed. The survey responses led to the development of a campus food pantry located in the Brooks Student Center.

The Storm Food pantry offers non-perishable foods to any currently registered DCCC student with a valid campus ID. The pantry functions much like a grocery store. Any interested student may visit the pantry. The first step is to complete a food pantry request form that asks basic information about the student’s household and what kinds of food he or she is interested in receiving. The amount of food provided depends on the number of people in the student’s family. A volunteer shopping assistant is available to guide students through the pantry as they make their selections. Students can access the pantry once a week or they can make an appointment through Office of Student Life, Single Stop, or online via the Starfish tool.

This is the first grant to the Storm Food Pantry from Publix Super Market Charities. In 1966 Publix Super Markets founder George W. Jenkins, affectionately known as Mr. George, established a charitable foundation with the intention of caring for his community—and with a vision that the giving would continue long after he was gone. Today, under the leadership of Mr. George’s daughter, Carol Jenkins Barnett, Publix Super Markets Charities remains committed to serving the communities in which Publix operates. And the legacy of giving continues. In a statement to DCCC the charity’s executive director, Kelly Williams-Puccio wrote, “We believe your organization exemplifies that mission and are pleased to play a part in your efforts.”

The Publix Super Market Charities grant will be used to help sustain the food pantry.  “We will purchase non-perishable food items such as canned meat, soup, canned vegetables, pasta and cereal or prepared meals, stew, chili, and spaghetti,” said Lynne Watts Director, Student Life and Leadership “We don’t want hunger to be a barrier for a student to get his or her education.”

Photo Caption: DCCC Storm Food Pantry