Developed through an internal review of our campus mission and vision, broad stakeholder engagement, and an understanding of the external environment, Davidson-Davie Thrives will guide the college in setting a new standard for community college education in North Carolina. It is more important than ever for us to come together to recommit to our values while reimagining what learning and working can look like. After a year of disruption due to the global pandemic, Davidson-Davie is ready to navigate a new higher education landscape. We are prepared to overcome challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities over the next four years.
Davidson-Davie Thrives provides a blueprint to prioritize student success, community partnerships, and equity throughout our campuses. In addition to fostering an engaging campus culture for students, we strive to be a premier employer in Davidson and Davie counties, creating an inclusive work environment for all faculty and staff. The college is also positioned to support economic growth and workforce development in Davidson and Davie counties. Our future success is dependent on our ability to continue building and sustaining relationships in each facet of our work.
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Strategic Planning Committee Roster
We are proud to share with you Davidson-Davie Thrives, our strategic plan for the next four years. In this plan we build on our current successes, with an even more dedicated focus on creating excellent and equitable learning experiences, building the relationships and partnerships that will serve our communities well, and investing in the future. Throughout it all, we commit ourselves to creating and sustaining an environment where students, faculty, and staff thrive. At Davidson-Davie Community College, The Future Is Here.
At Davidson-Davie, learning is central to our work every day. We are committed to expanding learning opportunities for our students, faculty, staff and community. Over the next four years, Davidson-Davie will intentionally design courses and programs that meet students’ needs, foster inclusivity, improve equity in the classroom, and build essential skills that support students in their future learning journeys and throughout their careers. In order to expand opportunities and support learning within our community, we must prioritize developing degree and credential programs designed for adult learners. These initiatives will be part of our goal to promote access and lifelong learning throughout Davidson and Davie counties. Finally, Davidson-Davie will dedicate time and resources to faculty and staff professional learning and growth. Transforming our learning organization must include investing in our greatest asset – our people. Championing learning at all levels of the college will be vital to our continued success.
At Davidson-Davie we understand that positive and authentic relationships are the foundation for meaningful learning experiences in higher education. With guided support, students will build relationships with faculty, staff, peers, and external partners developing a network for success during their college experience and beyond. Intentional relationships between student affairs, academic affairs, and business operations will support students along guided pathways from enrollment to completion. These improved and strategic connections among faculty and staff will not only support student success, but will also promote a positive and collaborative working environment for employees. It is more important than ever for faculty and staff to commit to conversations and actions that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. In order to prioritize mentoring relationships, all members of the college community must be invested in our equity work and make the campus an inclusive and welcoming place for each person.
Davidson-Davie’s success over the last six decades is a direct result of the strong connections within our communities. Forging and sustaining partnerships with business and industry leaders, our K-12 education partners, and community organizations is vital to our success and the success of those living and working in Davidson and Davie counties. Over the next four years, the college is committed to investing in existing community partnerships and looking for new partnerships throughout our service districts. In addition to local connections, the college must continue to strategically build relationships statewide, nationally, and internationally to provide new learning opportunities for our students. By intentionally creating program-specific articulation agreements and dedicating additional resources towards building sustainable global education partnerships, students will have opportunities to grow beyond our Davidson-Davie campuses.
Davidson-Davie will invest critical resources in our working and learning environments to expand our capacity to serve students. We must cultivate a workplace culture that prioritizes faculty and staff growth and wellness to ensure our employees feel supported and equipped to meet the needs of our student population. Recruitment, enrollment, and retention continue to be key areas of focus for the college to support long-term goals and maintain financial stability. In addition to our human resources and strategic enrollment goals, we must continue to invest in campus infrastructure to support growth and change at the college. New campus additions including the Link Campus, West Campus, and Davie Health Sciences, will provide much-needed space to continue to expand and create innovative partnerships with the community.