Applying for Financial Aid

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Applying for Aid


Students must first file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  The FAFSA is a standardized form used to collect demographic and financial information about the student and, in some cases, their family.  It must be completed for each year a student is enrolled and is available both in English and Spanish. The results of the FAFSA are used to determine a student’s eligibility for each financial aid program.

The information collected in the FAFSA is used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (EFC).  The EFC is represented as a number, starting with 0.  Despite its name, the EFC does represent what a student and/or their family contribute towards the student’s educational costs.  Instead, it is an index of the student’s eligibility for financial aid.  The lower the EFC, the greater opportunity the student has to receive need-based grants and student loans. Regardless of their EFC, all students qualify for Federal Direct Loans.

To file a FAFSA, students must also meet one of the following requirements:

  • Be accepted into an eligible academic program; these include all Associate degree programs and a limited number of diploma and certificate programs.
  • Have earned a recognized high school diploma or high school equivalency such as GED; verification may be required.
  • Citizenship requirements:
    • U.S. citizen
    • U.S. national (includes natives of American Samoa or Swains Island)
    • U.S. permanent resident
    • Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) showing
      • Refugee
      • Asylum Granted
      • Cuban-Haitian Entrant
      • Conditional Entrant
      • Parolee
    • Student holds a T-visa or their parent holds a T-1 visa
    • Battered immigrant-qualified alien
    • Citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, or the Republic of Palau

FAFSA and Requested Documentation Priority Filing-Dates

Fall I & 16-week classesFall IISpring I & 16-week classesSpring IISummer
FAFSA: June 1FAFSA: September 1FAFSA: November 1FAFSA: February 1FAFSA: April 1
Documentation: June 15Documentation: September 15Documentation: November 15Documentation: February 15Documentation: April 15

Residency Determination

North Carolina residents must have their residency confirmed before being considered for NC state grants or qualifying for in-state tuition.  Residency confirmation is completed at ncresidency.org and must be renewed every 18 months.

Application Steps

For students applying for financial aid for the first time at Davidson-Davie

  1. Create a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID)
    • Most students aged 18-23 will need to complete the FAFSA with parent information, so one parent will also need to obtain a FSA ID.
  2. Complete the FAFSA
    • Required for access to federal and NC student aid, including grants, loans, and work-study.
    • Must be completed each year; becomes available every October 1
  3. Complete Residency Determination
    1. Required for NC grants and in-state tuition
  4. Respond to any requests for documentation for the Office of Financial Aid
  5. Inform the Office of Financial Aid of any changes in financial or personal circumstances
  6. Once your Financial Aid Offer has been completed, an email will be sent to your Davidson-Davie email address
  7. Once you have received your Financial Aid Offer email, you can review your financial aid in StormTrac
    1. Log into StormTrac and select Financial Aid
    2. Select the appropriate academic year
    3. Select Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package
  8. Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress

For students who have previously received financial aid at Davidson-Davie

  1. Complete the FAFSA
  2. Respond to any requests for documentation for the Office of Financial Aid
  3. Inform the Office of Financial Aid of any changes in financial or personal circumstances.
  4. Once your Financial Aid Offer has been completed, an email will be sent to your Davidson-Davie email address
  5. Once you have received your Financial Aid Offer email, you can review your financial aid in StormTrac
    1. Log into StormTrac and select Financial Aid
    2. Select the appropriate academic year
    3. Select Review and accept your Financial Aid Award Package
  6. Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress