Taking Time Off

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DCCC recognizes that it is important for employees to have time away from work. Below you will find the College’s holiday schedule and a brief description of some of our leave programs.

Academic Calendar

View the academic calendar.

Holiday Schedule

View the holiday schedule.

Child Involvement Leave

Vacation and Sick Leave

Vacation Leave

All eligible staff (working 20 hours or more per week) shall earn annual leave. Aggregate State service determines the amount earned by full-time employees, per the schedule below. Eligible part-time employees will earn annual leave on a pro-rated basis.

Years of State ServiceHours Earned/MonthTotal Earned per Year
Less than 5 years9.3314 days
5 but less than 1011.3317 days
10 but less than 1513.3320 days
15 but less than 2015.3323 days
20+17.3326 days

Sick Leave

Employees who work on an average of 40 hours per week earn sick leave at the rate of one day per calendar month. Employees working less than 40 hours per week will earn sick leave on a prorated basis. Leave can be taken for personal illness and illness of individuals closely related to the employee.

Voluntary Shared Leave

An employee may donate leave to an employee who has been approved to receive voluntary shared leave because of a medical condition of the employee or of a member of the employee’s immediate family that will require the employee’s absence for a prolonged period of time. This policy outlines the rules for sharing leave.