Storm Basketball Home Game vs. Pitt

Carol F. Brinkley Building

Home games are played on the Davidson Campus in the Brinkley Gym. Davidson-Davie students, faculty and staff get in free with a student ID. Watch Live

Presentation: Kotchegna West African Dance Company

Mary E. Rittling Conference Center

Join us as this dance company brings the grill of joyful drumming and the vibrant color of traditional village dances from over 60 different tribes in West Africa. Rittling Confernece Center 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Storm Basketball Home Game vs. Cleveland CC

Carol F. Brinkley Building

Home games are played on the Davidson Campus in the Brinkley Gym. Davidson-Davie students, faculty and staff get in free with campus ID. Watch Live

Organizational Tips for Online Students

Organizational Tips for Online Students Join us via Zoom for a 30 minute session discussing ways to get organized. You may pre-register for this event if you wish to receive reminders with the date, time, and Zoom link for joining the session. We hope to see you there! Join Virtually via Zoom

Storm Basketball Home Game vs. Louisburg College

Carol F. Brinkley Building

Home games are played on the Davidson Campus in the Brinkley Gym. Davidson-Davie students, faculty and staff get in free with a campus ID. Watch Live

Valentine’s Day Eve Social

FREE treats, hot chocolate and card making. | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Davidson Campus: Brooks Student Center Lobby Davie Campus: Administration Building  110/111

African Drumming Workshop | Davidson Campus

Mary E. Rittling Conference Center

Drumming gives you a chance to unwind and re-energize in a healthy way. It's a great way to beat stress and have fun! 11-12 p.m. Rittling Conference Center