DCCC students win state technical conference competition

May 17, 2018 – Davidson County College Community students competed and placed in the SkillsUSA North Carolina State Conference on April 18-20 in Greensboro. The students competed in categories related to computer integrated machining.

DCCC student Logan West received first place in Computer Numeric Control (CNC) Turning. Ben Juarez received third place in CNC Milling Specialist. Both West and Juarez graduated from DCCC this May with degrees in Associate in Applied Science Computer Integrated Machiningwith an emphasis in CNC Program.

Since graduating, West accepted a position with C&S Machines while Juarez is now working for Carolina Precision.

Two students from Yadkin Valley Regional Career Academy in Lexington also competed. Th estudents participate in DCCC’s Career and College Promise program allowing high school students to take college courses. Hayden Hedrick received first place in CNC Technician. Dakota Snider received first in CNC Turning Specialist.

Hedrick and Snider are also now employed in the industry. Hedrick is working for Woempner Machine, and Snider is working for Elizabeth Carbide.

“This is a great honor for these students,” DCCC advanced manufacturing instructor Kerry Smith said. “They made sacrifices in order to compete. They were willing to put in the hard work and give it their all competing against students across North Carolina.”

The SkillsUSA North Carolina State Conference is the largest showcase of Career and Technical Education in the state. The conference draws over 2,700 students, teachers, and industry leaders for contests in more than 95 trade areas. The contests are designed to give participants the skills and leadership required for success in their industries and workplaces.

This was DCCC’s first year competing in the conference. Participants who received first place will go on to compete in the national competition.

The SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference will take place June 25 to 29 in Louisville, Kentucky. The conference will be attended by over 17,000 participants. Those
competing represent the top 3 percent of all students in their trade area. Both Hedrick and Snider will be traveling and competing in Louisville.

“I couldn’t be happier with their efforts and the results they’ve achieved,” Smith said. “Their efforts speak volumes for the dedication and persistence of the students in our program.”

Photo Caption: Pictured left to right: Dakota Snider, Hayden Hedrick, Ben Juarez, Logan West and Advisor Kerry Smith represent Davidson County Community College at the SkillsUSA North Carolina State Conference. This was their first year competing in the conference.

About Davidson County Community College: Founded in 1963, Davidson County Community College is a fully accredited, multi-campuscollege where students of all ages and backgrounds pursue academic and career-focused education in order to build successful futures. As one of 58 institutions within the North Carolina Community College System, DCCC offers more than 40 degree and professional certificate programs to students in Davidson and Davie counties, as well as affordable college-credit coursework to students who plan to transfer to 4-year universities. With a mission to serve the changing needs of students competing in a global environment, DCCC is committed to quality education, innovative and equitable learning experiences, training, and support across a wide range of 21st-century career fields. Visit Davidson County Community College at DavidsonCCC.edu.