Who: Davidson County Community College: students, faculty, staff; local and state emergency responders
What: Central Piedmont Emergency Services College
Where: Davidson County Community College – Davidson Campus
297 DCC Road, Thomasville, NC 27360
Some courses may take place partially off campus.
When: Thursday, February 9, 2017 – Sunday, February 12, 2017 (various times)
Why: Davidson County Community College will continue its role in supporting emergency services personnel and promoting safety in the community by hosting the 33rd Annual Central Piedmont Emergency Services College. The College will provide classes for fire, rescue, and public safety professionals from February 6–12 at the Davidson Campus.
Co-sponsored with the Davidson County Public Safety Association, the program offers a full week of training and has grown each year in course content and variety of classes for fire, rescue, and emergency services. This year’s offerings include 36 classes, and organizers expect more than 400 participants.
Course Offerings for the Best Photo Opportunities:
For specific details regarding the best times and locations to take photos, please contact Bryan Knight, Fire/Rescue Coordinator, at 336-224-4802 or Bryan_Knight@davidsondavie.edu or Becky Daley, Associate Dean of the School of Health, Wellness and Public Safety, at 336-224-4513 or RBDaley@davidsondavie.edu.