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About Davidson-Davie Registration

Registration is the process by which students meet or communicate with their advisor to discuss courses they plan to take during a semester.

Planning for registration is based on a student’s major and the educational plan or pathway associated with it. If a major has been selected, the educational plan is developed during the first meeting with the advisor. During subsequent semesters, students self-register through Student Planning. However, registration cannot occur until the schedule is approved by the advisor and the advising hold is released, therefore:  It is the student’s responsibility to register for courses that lead to the completion of their educational plan. Students are increasingly expected to demonstrate greater proficiency with educational planning and using Student Planning.

Students can register in three ways:

  • Advising Sessions – Students in on-campus programs or that prefer immediate face-to-face feedback from their advisor can sign up for an advising session through Starfish. The dates and times for advising sessions are available on each advisor’s Starfish calendar. Students are expected to have reviewed their plan in Student Planning prior to their session.  After obtaining advisor approval, the student can register for classes.
  • E-mail – Students can also submit via e-mail a proposed schedule to their advisor. Please note that during the registration period advisors receive numerous e-mails from their advisees. E-mails are responded to on a first come first serve basis. After the proposed schedule is reviewed and approved, the advisor will send a reply and students can register for classes on their eligible date. E-mail advising is reserved for students in good academic standing, or in online programs.
  • Appointments – Required for students who are experiencing academic difficulty, which may have resulted in their being placed on academic warning, probation, or suspension. Each category requires that the student meets with their advisor. If the student has been suspended, before being re-admitted, they are required to meet with other College officials as well. In all cases, the purpose of the meeting is to discuss behavioral changes and to design a plan to improve academic performance. *New students and students on warning, probation, or suspension – New students and those who are on academic warning, probation, or suspension are required to meet with an academic advisor after being admitted to Davidson-Davie. During the first meeting, the advisor will discuss with the student their educational aspirations as well as other factors related to degree attainment.


Students can monitor their progress towards graduation at any time through StormTrac or Student Planning, or seek assistance from their Academic Advisor. Students who are eligible to graduate must complete an online Application for Graduation. Once your graduation application is submitted, the Student Records Staff will evaluate your eligibility for graduation and notify you by your Davidson-Davie email if there are any questions.