Scholars of Global Distinction Application Name* First Last Email* Phone*Student ID*Program of Study*Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Expected Graduation Date*Spring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 2026Fall 2026Spring 2027Summer 2027Would you prefer to meet with a Global Scholars advisor on the Davidson campus or the Davie campus?* Davidson (main) Davie What are your personal and professional motivations for participating in this program?*(100 words minimum)What does the term “global citizen” mean to you?*One of Davidson-Davie’s core learning competencies is Cultural Literacy. How do you define this and why is it important?*Do you anticipate traveling or completing the global experience project locally?*If traveling, is there a specific trip/country in which you’re interested? If completing the global experience project locally, do you have an idea for a theme or a topic you’d like to explore?Please list previous international or multicultural experiences you have had.*This question is for informational purposes and will not impact your eligibility for the program.Please read each section below and select "yes" if you agreeI understand that the Scholar of Global Distinction award is designed for mature individuals, and requires a great degree of responsibility, adaptability and commitment. I understand that I am responsible to model these attributes.* Yes No I agree to meet with the Global Scholars advisor each semester to update my progress in the program.* Yes No I understand that in order to receive the distinction of Global Scholar, I must complete all aspects of the program* Yes No