High School Programs

Jump-Start your Future

Would you like to begin earning a college degree while you’re still in high school? At Davidson-Davie Community College, you can!

Qualified students can take college-level courses to:

  • Earn high school and college credit
  • Get a head start on your college degree
  • Lower the cost of college by earning credits without high tuition costs
  • Take courses that aren’t offered in high school
  • Ease your transition to college by getting a taste of college now
  • Prepare now for one of Davidson-Davie’s many career and technical options

Career & College Promise

Career and College Promise (CCP) provides seamless dual enrollment educational opportunities for eligible North Carolina high school students in order to accelerate completion of college certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees that lead to college transfer or provide entry-level job skills.

Students in grades 9 or 10 may participate in a select group of pathways based on eligibility criteria. Qualified juniors and seniors may choose any of the College Transfer or Career and Technical Education pathways.

Other High School Programs:

Early College

Davidson-Davie supports the Davidson Early College (Thomasville) and Davie Early College (Mocksville). Students attend all four years of high school (9-12th grade) on the campuses of Davidson-Davie and graduate with an associate degree that prepares them to transfer to a four-year college or university or join the workforce. Participation in the program is subject to requirements.
Davidson Early College
Davie Early College

Yadkin Valley Career Academy

Yadkin Valley Regional Career Academy uses a high school model that focuses on training students for in demand careers. Davidson-Davie college credit is earned through the completion of college-level career technical program courses. Learn More

High School Equivalency (GED or HiSET) and Adult High School Programs

Our College and Career Readiness Office helps students earn their high school diploma through Adult High School, GED, HiSET, and other programs for traditional aged, and adult learners. Learn More

Upward Bound

Free program offered through Davidson-Davie Community College to help prepare 9-12th grade students for higher education opportunities after high school. Upward Bound serves high school students from low-income families; and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor's degree. Learn More

Talent Search

Free college access program targeting first generation students who may face economic barriers yet have the potential to succeed in college. Talent Search is open to eligible 6-12th grade students and students in need of reentry into secondary or postsecondary schools. Learn More